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читать дальше"Methos"
"It's good to be a myth."
"Live. Grow stronger. Fight another day."
"Finale part I"
"I wasn't thinking. I was improvising."
"What do you expect? Einstein? Freud?...Buddha? Sorry Joe. I'm just a guy."
"Why would I tell the truth?"
"Finale part II"
"If you die, Amanda will be free to date."
"Maybe he hasn't got out of bed yet."
Duncan, "Not funny Methos."
Methos, "Not meant to be. Not only are you naive. Now you are weaponless. How have you lived this long? Do you know how many immortals she's killed? Do you want a list?"
Duncan, "Alright you've made your point."
Methos, "Have I? One day she is going to kill you."
Duncan, "She's tried already."
Methos, "You're better with a blade than her. Yes. You're stronger than her. Yes. But if you keep letting her walk away, one day she get's lucky and takes your head. Yes."
"How could he? She's got him tingling in places he didn't know he had."
"A couple of Medieval songwriters come up with the idea of Chivalry one rainy day and you embrace it as a lifestyle. You live and die by a code of honor that was TRENDY when you were a kid."
"First you dump her, then you turn your back on her. Talk about the blind leading the visually challenged."
"A man who was born long before the age of chivalry."
"Because the alternative is unthinkable."
"Lucky guess. Or else I've become horribly predictable."
"Cute. I can do cute."
"It's my nose, isn't it. Yep, it's the nose."
"It's because you think I'm English. It's my accent. Now, I don't have to be English, I can be...Russian."
"I know she's dying. You are ALL dying. Twenty years, six months, what's the difference."
"You spend whatever time you have left dying...or you spend it living...with me."
"I'm too old for this."
"Methuselah's Gift"
Duncan (about Alexa dying),"You knew it had to be this way."
Methos, "Yeah, from the first moment I saw her. Is that supposed to make it easier? Is that supposed to make it O.K? If there is one chance that I can save her, then I have to try."
"You understand nothing. Three weeks ago we were standing on a beach on the Santorini watching the sun rising on the Mediterranean...Now she is lying in a hospitol in Switzerland breathing through a TUBE...You think it takes courage to do what we do. Face another immortal with a sword knowing only one of you will live. You try being HER...You try living one year knowing your time is running out. Knowing that when it comes to the final fight, how ever much you train, whatever tricks you have, you still LOSE."
"Through a Glass Darkly"
"So lure him outside and take his head. Problem solved."
"Till Death"
"I wouldn't stay in a hotel Adam Pierson could afford."
"I was married once, you know. Come to think of it, I was married 67...no 68 times."
"It's finally happened. You've lost your mind."
"I haven't felt guilt since the 11th century."
"Read my lips...N O."
"Yeah, but I want to see ME live happily ever after even more."
"Oh no, that's not fair. You're making it personal now."
"Great. So I lose my head after 5,000 years, so that you can play marriage guidence counselor. I must have been out of my mind!"
Methos, "Okay. Give me the keys."
Duncan, "What keys?"
Methos, "The keys to the barge."
Duncan, "You weren't serious. You were testing me."
Methos, "No. If I'm gonna die, you're going to pay me for it. Give me the keys."
Duncan, "I can't give you the barge. I just redecorated it."
Methos, "Nice job. Give me the keys."
"My chair now."
"Ohh, I dunno...pretty funny from here."
"Have a beer. There's plenty in the fridge."
Duncan, "I know. It's my fridge."
"I say if he wants to play Methos, let him."
"Well, it's not like it's got a patent or anything."
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
"I left Katmandu for this."
Methos, "Methos, I presume."
Fake-Methos, "So they tell me."
Methos, "You know, it's interesting. I was always told that you were a myth. And yet you look very, very real. Tell me, it is true that you were a friend of Socrates?"
Fake-Methos, "Oh, I've had many friends."
Methos, "And, um, I--I've always wondered...Cleopatra, what was she really like?"
Fake-Methos, "She was a woman. She loved, she lived, she died."
Methos, "Yeah, speaking of death..." (he takes out his sword) "You seem very vulnerable."
Fake-Methos, "We're all vulnerable."
Methos, "Yes, but you a little more than me, I think. I mean, a lot of people might want the head of a 5,000 year old man."
Fake-Methos, "A lot of people might want to listen to a 5,000 year old man."
Methos, "I suppose that's true. I mean, 50 centuries, after all, you must have learned a lot. Knowledge, wisdom, that sort of thing."
Fake-Methos, "Truth is, my beliefs are very simple."
Methos, "What about the Game? Do you really think that we can end the Game?"
Fake-Methos: "I think it's worth trying."
Methos, "Even if it costs you your head?"
Fake-Methos, "Can anyone live for 5,000 years and say they did nothing? Risked nothing? Merely stayed alive? It'd be pointless."
Methos, "Some might think that that experience was worth saving."
Fake-Methos, "I'm not one of them. But, we can talk about it."
Methos, "No, I've got a prior engagement, I'm afraid."
Fake-Methos: "I didn't catch your name."
Methos, "No, that's right, you didn't."
"It is the ultimate in arrogance to think that one person can alter the course of history."
"History makes men, Macleod, men don't make history."
Duncan, "She believes she's making the world a better place."
Methos, "That's exactly what he believes. Remember...what was his name...Adolf something or other."
"Here Comes a Horseman"
"I am Methos. You live to serve me. You live because I wish it. And you stay alive as long as you please me."
Duncan, "Did you kill all those people?"
Methos, "Yes. Is that what you want to hear? Killing was all I knew. Is that what you want to hear?"
Duncan, "It's enough."
Methos, "No it's not enough! I killed...but I didn't just kill fifty...I didn't just kill a hundred...I killed a thousand! I killed TEN thousand! And I was good at it. And it wasn't for vengence. It wasn't for greed. It was because...I liked it. Cassandra was nothing. Her village was nothing. D'you know what I was? I was Death! Death on a horse! When mothers warned their children that the monster would get them, that monster was me. I was the nightmare that kept them awake at night. Is that what you want to hear? The answer is yes. Oh yes."
"Revelations 6:8"
Methos, "Would I lie to you?"
Kronos, "Have you ever done anything else?"
"It's a prelude. Have you read Aristotle's Poetics? No, of course not, you haven't even seen Casablanca...What is the first rule of great drama?...Start small, and build. A fountain to get their attention. Then, a public pool, to kill a hundred. Then, a stadium, to kill ten thousand, then...one drop of the virus in the city's water supply...Within a week..."
Duncan, "So what are you doing with Kronos now?"
Methos, "Same as always, trying to survive. And if you want Cassandra to live, you'll get her as far away from here as you can."
Kronos, "We think alike, we always have."
Methos, "I doubt that, Kronos. No one thinks quite like you.
Kronos, "Spoken like a true scholar."
"Like you said, I go with the winner."
Methos (to Silas), "You don't know anything about me!"
Duncan, "You could have killed him. Why didn't you?"
Methos, "I wanted to. But we were brothers. In arms, in blood, in everything except birth, and if I judged him worthy to die then I judged myself the same way. And I wanted to live. I still do."
"One of a thousand regrets, MacLeod, one of a thousand regrets."
"Forgive Us Our Trespasses"
"Do you want to knock a bit louder. I don't think they heard you in Philadelphia."
"No. It was a good way to get your head cut off is what it was."
"Nice day for it, not too cold, ground is nice and dry."
Methos (when asked if he was worried about Duncan), "Oh, me, no. Just scholarly interest. I just came by to watch the perfect immortal die."
Duncan, "I'm not!"
Methos, "Not what? Not the perfect immortal or not going to die?"
"Just as long as I'm not writing your epitaph."
"It's not that simple. We are all both, good and evil, we have rage and compassion, we have love and hate...murder and forgiveness. Why don't you try forgiving yourself for a change."
"You are such a pain in the ass."
Steven Keane, "You Bastard!"
Methos, "Sticks and Stones."
"Modern Prometheus"
Byron, "...You're the guy in the audience and I'm the guy on the trapeze. Who do you think's having more fun?"
Methos, "Who do you think's going to live longest?"
Byron, "Who cares?"
Methos, "I do."
Bryon, "Do you want a tombstone that says 'He lived for centuries' or do you want one that says 'For centuries he was alive'?
Methos, "You're not listening to me. I don't want a tombstone."
Такое... странное. Про Горца
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