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@темы: 7th Sea

30.06.2010 в 14:30

Vita brevis, ars longa, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile


Life's too short for brooding.

You're passionate and always interested in the world around you. You have a knack for going straight for the heart of a matter and embracing it wholeheartedly. However, your curious ability to switch moods as the situation demands might seem strange to people who don't know you well.
Image by Terese Nielson, taken from the 7th Sea Player's Guide

Which 7th Sea nation do you call home? Take the quiz here

30.06.2010 в 19:34

Принципы не умеют стрелять. Стреляют люди

ждем ccыль))

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